Empire Fantasy Football is a unique type of league that is in-between Dynasty and Re-Draft. The league operates as a Dynasty League keeping your same roster from year to year with a Rookie Draft for the incoming Rookies and available Free Agents. The twist with an Empire League is that there is a separate Empire Pot put aside each year and when someone wins the Empire Title (usually wins back-to-back championships) they win the Empire Pot and the league dissolves and you can re-draft a new Empire the following season.
Example of League Winnings:
12 Team $100 League Dues with 70% in the Years pot and 30% to the Empire Pot
- Year One -> $840 split between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place teams (if you do 4th gets money) / $360 rolled over to the Empire Pot
- Year Two -> $840 split between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place teams (if you do 4th gets money) / $360 added to the Empire Pot so if last year’s Champ wins again they will get $720 if not then the $720 will roll over to the next year
- Year Three – > $840 split between the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place teams (if you do 4th gets money) / $360 added to the Empire Pot so if Year Two’s Champ wins they will get $1080 if not then the $1080 will roll over to the next year
Some Advantages of Empire Leagues
- Easier to find people to take over orphan teams vs. Dynasty. If there is money in the Empire Pot someone might be more likely to take over a bad team as there is already money put in before they joined that they may be able to win
- Need to have a mix of Long-Term and Short-Term strategy. In Dynasty you can just load up on future picks but in Empire, those picks may end up being worth nothing if the league ends
- The pot can get pretty large upping the level of competitiveness in the league.